Sunday, October 19, 2008

Healthcare Crisis? Reform? What the medical blogosphere has to say.

Are our politicians really talking reform or are they glossing over the same ol' rusty problems? The blogworld is full of opinions and ideas about our "healthcare crisis" and reform. Rather than trying to make up your mind for you about this issue, which I think is in poor taste, I thought I'd share some of the information I've been reading. You can make up your own mind!

Dr. Wes compares the Health Care and Cronyism in his blog. He has an original cartoon, too, which says a lot. Love the cartoon, Dr. Wes.

At "Fingers and Tubes in Every Orifice" (yes, that's REALLY the name of the blog!), Charity Doc talks about Fixing Our Broken Health Care System . It's a long read, but chock full of information. He also has another post which includes a video. It's a non-partisan, must watch video which I'm going to include here:

Dr.Val talks about how Chronic Disease Is Driving Healthcare Costs. She was in the middle of a blog move, thus "homeless" for a bit, so she crashed at kevinmd's for this post.

Speaking of kevinmd, he has written quite a bit about the healthcare crisis. Here are some of his posts: Ideas for Healthcare Reform (which points to another blog post by Dr. Pector titled A doctor's prescription for healing American health care), Reforming health care in the current economic climate, Bailout for health care, Will universal health care lead to a physician shortage?

GruntDoc talks about Canadian Healthcare Author Writes a new Ending, which shows our neighbor's failing universal health plan. He also has some great comments from readers with his article We Need Free Trade in Health Care - . "Free" trade may not be free at all.

The distractible Dr. Rob has oodles of pertinent posts. Two of the latter ones are Holes in the Bottom of the Boat and What is an Ounce of Prevention Worth?. Others you might want to peruse are Is Wall Street Preventing Reform? and It’s not our Fault .

Alan Katz talks about McCain’s and Obama’s Inconsistent Health Care Reform Principles in his blog, The Alan Katz Health Care Reform Blog: Reform From One Agent’s Perspective.

The Buckeye Surgeon has some thought-provoking questions in his post One man's take .
Last, but not least, Brain Blogger give his take on both sides of the political fence regarding healthcare reform: Health Care and Politics I - The Republicans, Health Care and Politics II - The Democrats.

There is much, much more out there, so don't hesitate to go look! If you find something good, how 'bout letting me know. Thanks!

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