Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Options for Treating Low Libido in Post-Menopausal Women | Brain Blogger

An interesting article on the improvement of libido with testosterone alone, New Options for Treating Low Libido in Post-Menopausal Women @ Brain Blogger, talks about using transdermal and oral replacements. It does not mention using the compounded gel. It also does not mention the Cushie population per se, but it still may apply.

This new research, however, provides and option for women who cannot or will not be treated with estrogen therapy. It may offer treatment options for younger groups of women experiencing low sexual desire, or offer options for special patient populations, including cancer survivors, or those who have lost ovarian or uterine structures of function due to disease or surgery. More long-term safety studies are needed to fully evaluate the risks associated with long-term testosterone treatment in women, but the results are promising for women with low sexual desire and function.

Brain Blogger's site

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