Or should I say zebra? In med school, potential doctors are told ""When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras". Well, what about those of us who are zebras? What does that say to those who don't fit any mold of illness or have multiple illnesses which paint stripes?
As I said earlier, my primary care doctor sees horses, but every now and then she does notice a stripe. The thing is, she tries to get rid of the stripe instead of looking at what caused it. And she's not alone. Frankly, I'm wondering if there really are any horses out there? Ok...ok....I guess there are. Maybe.
Diabetes, you say, is a horse. Nope.... Did you know that endocrine disease can cause it? And that it is just a secondary symptom? You didn't know that? Don't worry. Most endocrinologists don't seem to, either. Thankfully, I never had that particular stripe.
Ok, how about thyroid function/disease? Nope, not that one either. It's actually a stripe in the zebra of endocrine disease, especially a pituitary tumor. Secondary/central hypothyroidism is linked to a pituitary tumor suppressing the pituitary, and hyperthyroidism can be linked to a TSH producing tumor.
Low hormones? Oh, that must be early menopause or pre-menopause with females, right? Wrong. Just stripes of another color in the zebra of pituitary tumors.
How about high hormones? Well, guess what? Do I need to say it? More stripes...... Pituitary adenomas are famous for growth hormone and ACTH overproduction.
PCOS and metabolic syndrome are often the horses with which a Cushing's patient is diagnosed. Too often, it's just too easy to camouflage the stripes with those diagnoses.
Oh, and my favorite. Obesity. "You need to eat less and get more exercise." How many people do you know who want to be extremely overweight? Those doctors who don't listen, ignore the stripes (some literal ones called striae) and keep repeating that mantra need a A Swift Kick in the ASP. They don't know that fat is an endocrine organ. They also don't know it is actually possible to literally starve while remaining obese.
I do not know the answers. I do know there is a problem. Instead of heading to the dude ranch, maybe med schools ought to take their future doctors on a safari.
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