I got a package from e-Patient Dave deBronkart!! W00t!! It made my day/night! Frankly, I got it before today, but I, ahem, did not look on my front porch for a few days. I don't go in/out that way. At least it was tucked up under the overhang nice and dry.
What is it you say??? Why, it's his new book, "Laugh, Sing, and Eat Like a Pig". I am about 1/3 through it now, and I'd be further but I have to stop to laugh out loud or cry or both at the same time. I need a new box of tissues.
Folks, you need to read this book. Dave has already taught me so much about why things are as they are in the healthcare system. I've learned so much from him in so many ways, but this is his personal account while dealing with cancer. He talks about what an e-patient is: empowered, engaged, equipped, and enabled. And you Cushie's will get a kick out of his "Four Early Lessons in Patient Empowerment":
- It's up to me.
- When your instincts say scram, scram.
- If they think your feelings are YOUR problem [emphasis mine], you might want to find someone else
- It's worth traveling to find a doctor you work well with. [My favorite]
Invest in the book, a box of tissues, some healthy snacks, and a good drink. You won't want to miss it. I understand so much better what once just made me angry. Knowledge is power, but understanding is the tool for change. Dave is changing how people think in healthcare, and that is more than powerful. It is awesome.
Dave, thank you for teaching me so much, but most of all, thank you for being my friend.
(Reposted from 365 days with Cushing’s Disease)
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