I'm thankful for a wonderful, supportive family whom I love dearly. My dad, the youngest of 17 and my mother, one of four, have given me an extended family that most folks envy. My parents, my brother, and my daughters complete the picture, and I am happy to say I have a new son-in-law-to-be as of today. I love him, and feel blessed he has chosen us as his family, too. May he never regret it.
I'm thankful for medical advances which give me a chance to function even when I find fault in the way they are given. Sometimes I need to see the forest instead of the trees. I'm grateful I live in the United States of America with its healthcare, flawed or not. I love my country and I love the men and women who give their lives daily in our armed forces so I may have the freedoms and plenties that I do. I pray we remain aware of our blessings and never forget they were hard-fought.
And let me finish with a list of blessings that cross my mind in no logical order: 1) growth hormone 2) thyroid hormones 3) Dr. F 4) Dr. M 5) stretchy jeans 6) indoor plumbing 7)wireless internet 8) MaryO and her boards 9) my supportive Cushie friends 10) tweezers 11) crunchy apples 12) sweet-tart clementines 13) springtime and sunshine 14) my warm hearth/fireplace 15) heat pumps 16) did I say indoor plumbing? 17) sweet sleep after years of not having it 18) CPAPs 19) tiny syringes with tiny needles 20) polar fleece 21) lower gas prices 22) laptop computers 23) computers of any kind 24) inquisitive kids 25) remote controls 26) memory foam 27) my comfy home 28) the freedom to worship 29) the freedom to own and carry a gun in self-defense 30) the freedom to chose our leaders in a democratic republic 31) talk radio 32) blog talk radio 33) elastic 34) my two cats who love me always 35) magnifying mirrors 36) did I say tweezers? 37) gadgets of all kinds 38) Photoshop 39) candles 40) fingerless mittens for typing with cold hands 41) good books 42) more good books 43) libraries 44) online shopping (I can't believe I just now thought of this one!) 45) One-and-a-half jobs in this economy 46) any day above 50 degrees in the winter 47) beautiful music 48) my new dishwasher 50) the ability to keep on learning 51) comfy mattresses 52) oestrogen 53) a hot flash (I'm seldom warm) 54)bleach 55) microfiber cloths 56) pictures 57) memories 58) email 59) cell phones and all their combinations/uses 60) hair-styling products that work 61) glasses, especially bifocals 62) lotion 63) all my senses intact (at least I think they are) 64) the joy of walking again, most days 65) big pocketbooks and rolling cases for much of the aforementioned stuff 66) iPods 67) make-up (did I hear an amen?) 68)pretty cards in the mail 69) beautiful mountains 70) "hats" to use when doing a UFC 71) country roads 72) GPS for city roads 73) AAA 74) Dr. J and Dr. McC 75) fast databases 76) tweets and llamas
And there is so much more.... but I'm off to celebrate with my family. May your Thanksgiving holiday be filled with love, joy, and family. Hugs to you all.... Robin
Enjoy your family